
不用 HTC 也能用 HTC Sense

不少人對於 HTC Sense 有莫大興趣, 但是在選擇上未必會選購 HTC 的手機, 國外 Android 知名論壇 XDA 就有網友將 HTC Sense 最新版本 Sense 7 的相關檔案發表出來, 讓許多喜歡 HTC Sense 但沒有 HTC 手機的網友們使用。

只要你的 Android 系統是 4.4 以上的話就可以使用。

HTC BlinkFeed
Status: working
Requirements: android 4.4 or higher
Features: infinite apps in folders
  • HtcBlinkFeed - v7.0.498247 - download (updated: 06/05/2015)
  • HtcServicePack - v1.02.485370 - download (updated: 05/04/2015)
  • MyHTC - v7.0.495204 - download (updated: 12/04/2015)
  • Weather - v7.0.489623 - download (updated: 05/04/2015)
  • WorldClock - v7.1.498168 - download (updated: 26/03/2015)
  • HtcWeatherClockWidget - v7.0.497815 - download (updated: 08/04/2015) [no kitkat support!]
  • HtcLocationServicesSetting - v1.0.481224 - download (updated: 23/03/2015)
  • LocationPicker - v2.4.474239 - download (updated: 23/03/2015)
Instructions: install all apps - as normal app OR push directly into system folder

Plugins for HTC BlinkFeed

Status: working
Requirements: android 4.4 or higher
Info: some of these might not work, if so tell me and give logcats
  • Facebook - v7.00.505928 - download (updated: 21/03/2015)
  • Twitter - v6.0.847461 - download (updated: 10/03/2015)
  • InstagramPlugin - v6.0.847476 - download (updated: 09/03/2015)
  • GooglePlusPlugin - v6.0.847461 - download (updated: 09/03/2015)
  • LinkedInPlugin - v6.0.847476 - download (updated: 09/03/2015)
  • Instructions: install which app you want - as normal app OR push directly into system folder